Saturday, 4 September 2010

"Thank you" and birthday party at Backstage

Last night, the 3d of September, we organised a Thank you party for all those who helped on or Introduction Party with performing for our guests. Same time they asked if they could combine it with Somchai's birthday. No problems because we also wanted to thank Somchai for helping us with preparing the food and also performing (see Impression Introduction I - VII).
So we offered a 'private party' fro all at The Backtage.... aaaand I must say, as hopefully the pictures below confirm, they had a great time and truly enjoyed themselfs

Left: Somchai receives a botle of 100 pipers ( a poular wiskey here) and a Backstage poloshirt for his birthday and thanks.

Right: The My Way crew receiving same bottle as thanks for their contribution to our Introduction Party. For them and the others who helped we oganised this party!

Left: The part is getting on its way, here the My Way crew enjoying themselfs greatly.

Right: And they couldn't resist... some of the guys enjoyed dressing up with some of our costumes and doing a spontanious fun performance for their friends ;-)

Left: Its allmost 6 am and the party was still going on strongly with everybody enjoying themselfs inmensly. BUT your reporter had to call it the day though ;-)
Later I heard the fun went on till 9-10 am in the morning.... yep!

We were very happy to have been able to do this, and even more that they all truly enjoyed themselfs!
Same time we ealso enjoyed to the experience!

All you guys, again THANKS! And our staff: well done!!

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