Saturday, 19 March 2011

Wud's birthday Party on 15th of March, a modest but most relaxing and fun celebration!

When we started up The Backstage last August/September we had a Thai guy running that small restaurant opposite Backstage & Superboys, we nowadays use for food at our bar.
Some bad luck happened to him and he had to sell his small restaurant and left Patong Phuket to return to his home province in the north east of Thailand.
Before he started that small restaurant he worked at Big Boom Boy and some of the old customers of J&B Bar may remember some of our outings to our present soi when we enjoyed ourselfs at Superboys and Big Boom Boy. By the way, Big Boom Boy in the form we knew and enjoyed, doesn't exsist anymore... this last month it as been converted into a laundry service... but with leaving all the signs etc. of Big Boom Boy on the outsite in tact .... so typicaly Thai;-)

Now this guy, Wud is his name, if you hadn't guessed that allready, enjoyed using Backstage for drinks & karaoke with his friends on a very regular basis. Now Wud came back for a couple of weeks to Patong Phuket and decided that he would like to celebrate his birthday at The Backstage.
Ofcourse we enjoyed organising his birthday party for him! We also had not forgotten how he helped us get known and started in our first months here in our soi (=street) as well.

So the Backstage went in party-mode and we decorated the place according the occasion: a simple birthday party ;-) (picture below)

Now, the flowerladies seem allways able to smell where an occasion takes place which might be in need of celebration flowers, so they turn up and try to sell them.
In a way not bed, because they often smell most wonderfull and attractive...and when you buy the flowers for hanging around your neck then those smells accompany you the whole remainder of that evening/night ;-)
By the way its a popular flower gift to give to persons on the even of their departure, or, as in our situation, for someones birthday.... and as you can see on the pic below, Wud got his! Next to Wud, one of Wud's farang friends, Egebert, also known among Thai as Peter...Thai seem to have a hard time with saying Egbert and made it into Peter ;-)

Picture above: When the clock has hit midnight, its the custom around here to bring out the birthday cake, when their is one of course ;-)
Ofcourse we at Backstage arranged for one, and Wud was very happy to receive his cake with a symbolic number of candles on top of it, from me and blew them out in one go...this time our candles were normal and so easy to blow them out .... by the way, it made them much more harder to keep burning while bringing the cake out to Wud haha.

But whats a Thai birthday party without karaoke?
Wud managed to get all of the farang guests, us westerners, to sing songs, or at least give it a serious try...and this turned our birthday party in one fun affair of singing, laughing...simple real enjoyment and celebration.
Picture below: Some of our farang joining Wud singing and look to thow truly they enjoy!

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