Sunday, 17 October 2010

Wear PURPLE on Wensday the 20th of October! + ...anouncement of a report on the Birthdays & Weddings Party of the 7th ;-)

Wensday the 20th of October The Backstage is going to support the Facebook initiative to wear something PURPLE on this day in protest of the gay bashing on internet and elsewhere resulting in suicides/deaths of often young people who wrestly with their sexual orientation.

If you happen to be in or around Patong Phuket, feel free to drop in at The Backstage and when you wear something purple you receive a free houdecocktail !

Report of Birthday & Wedding Party

Due to extreem rainfall, luckily before and after the events of the 7th and the wedding we helped organise on the 10th, we have not yet been able to make a report for this weblog, but we hope to be able to do so in the next couple of days.. this is just to let you know ;-)

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